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Entries in dormer room (2)


Chino Dormer Addition

Chino, California

As of May 2015, Truadditions is currently completing a new dormer room addition. A dormer room is a room that is added underneath an existing vaulted ceiling. If you have a vaulted ceiling with one side of the room with a very high ceiling that angles down low on the other side your home is probably a good candidate for this cost effective room addition.



Affordable Room Additions

Chino Hills, California
Chino, California

A very affordable option for a room addition can be seen in this two story home remodel that had a high ceiling over the living room and dining room. If your home looks like the before shot you might just be able to build this cost effective solution.

It's called a dormer addition and it adds a good amount of new room square footage over your head while keeping costs under control. Typically about half the price of a two story addition this unique solution can sometimes get you just the amount of space you need.





Get a room addition estimate free by calling 866-481-5144